It's been a full few weeks and keeping the blog updated somehow didn't get on the list for top priority. We certainly love each of you and desire wholeheartedly to keep you informed on our journey! God has been faithfully confirming the plans He has for us to care for the children of Haiti. We are anxiously anticipating the next leg of the journey, THE BIG MOVE!
The last update let you know that we did indeed sell our home. We are tickled pink to be debt free and enjoyed handing our home over to a neat new family. God allowed us a unique opportunity to share with the new home owners our mission to Haiti, how we had prayed for them to buy our home, and our repeated prayers that their new home would be a blessing to their family. I won't lie - we shed a lot of tears leaving that house. It was one of the hardest things I've ever seen our family press through.
The last few weeks have been busy with music, sharing Haiti with churches and an all out PUSH to prepare for Haiti. At the beginning of the month we went to Tennessee to meet with the Hands and Feet Project and nail down some details. The meeting was productive and Laramie is eager to get his feet on Haitian soil and get to work! We learned more of our job description, expectations, policies and procedures, and received pictures of the kids that we will be caring for. We learned their story, which was an emotional time. I am striving now to learn their names and faces - all 31 of them. Even though we spent a week with the kids last September I've had a hard time remembering their names. I am excited to now have a picture of each child and I drill myself every night before bed to learn their names! It's a great opportunity to pray for them too!
We have been weighing and inventorying our 60 odd plastic trunks that we have condensed our entire life into. In addition to getting our “go to Haiti” stuff organized, we've been working to get our “stay in South Carolina” stuff in order as well. We've made all the hard decisions on what goes and what stays, now we just have to make super sure it happens!
Our leave date for Haiti was recently confirmed! We will be flying out of Ft. Pierce, Florida on September 18th with Missionary Flight International. The six of us and our stuff will all go together from Ft. Pierce to Port Au Prince. We are praying hard for a smooth flight and entry into Haiti.
You can cover us in prayer that customs and flights and 'all things' travel will go well. We are still trying to figure out renting a van or something that can tow a u-haul rented trailer. We are open to anyone that would like to help us get there – ie caravan, etc... The six of us and all of our stuff will need drive from Augusta to Ft. Pierce. We are looking into how to do that the most cost effectively and praying for the plan that makes the most sense! So you can pray that God will give us wisdom.
So here's some BIG NEWS-Laramie's last day of work was Friday! Laramie has faithfully provided for our family for 20 years. I have no doubt that he will continue to do so, but Friday was his last day at a normal job! We can't really express the many emotions that it brings to be fully reliant upon God's provision and the body of Christ. It's pretty terrifying at times, extremely humbling, and most certainly stretching our FAITH!
Today was pretty emotional for Luke. His grandparents had given him a '96 Mustang for his 13th birthday. He had been looking forward to driving it for 2 years and just recently got his permit in April. He has thoroughly enjoyed his few months driving it, but had to let it go today. A local mechanic had seen it at our last garage sale and offered to buy it. With Laramie not working we only have a need for 1 vehicle now, so today was the day. Luke put the money into savings and will add to it so he will be ready when the time comes to buy another car. We have no doubt God will bless his obedience.
Lots of folks have asked.... What do you need? How can we help? Our greatest need right now is committed regular financial giving and lots of prayer! We need folks to partner with us for the long haul! Prayerfully consider making us a part of your family either financially or prayerfully. We love to hear that we have been added to family's daily prayers! That blesses us more than you can imagine!
We are praying hard for monthly financial partners. God has answered and brought so many onto the team. We are so grateful! Thank you to the ones that are prayerfully investing in Kingdom work for the long haul. Our hearts are full and we lift you up in prayer constantly, thanking God for you.
His Hands and Feet,